Multimedia exhibition

«Paul I. Era. Art. Books»

Marking the 270th birth anniversary of the Russian emperor Paul I

The exhibition is a joint project of the State Russian Museum and the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature.

The first joint project of two major federal cultural institutions, the main Russian art treasury and world literature vault, aims to present the most mysterious and ambiguous Romanov ruler. The new integrated format of interaction is a fusion of modern digital technologies and museum exhibits and valuable books.

The sections of the exposition aim to reconstruct most significant moments from the life of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich as well as state affairs of the future Russian emperor Paul I. Digital copies of artworks, cited recollections and memoirs, books from that time seek to convey Paul’s fate and the significance of his state activities.
The visual materials include views of St.Petersburg and Moscow by Russian and foreign artists, portraits of the emperor, his wife, members of the imperial Romanov family and their contemporaries.

Pavlov's reign is the triumphs of the Russian army and navy under the leadership of Alexander Suvorov and Fyodor Ushakov. Unprecedented was the decision of Emperor Paul I to establish a lifetime monument not to the monarch, but to the commander – Alexander Suvorov.

The exhibition reveals a little-known fact of the Emperor's biography – his acquaintance with Francisco de Miranda, an officer, traveller, intellectual, conspirator, and fighter for the independence of his great homeland, now known as Latin America.

The exposition demonstrates the depth and versatility of Paul’s era and helps to understand many events that led to subsequent social and cultural processes in Russia in the 19th century.

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